March with us, Kween
You CAN sit with us…….in fact, let’s go one better…….COME MARCH WITH US ON PRIDE DAY - 15TH JUNE 2024! WHOOP!
In 2023, we had a LOT of people join the march - it was giving us LIFE!
So, let’s do it all again.
If you’re an individual, just turn up! Gather from 10:00am and set off at 12noon!
To keep everyone safe, we need groups of 10 people and over to register with us so we can plan for your gorgeousness to strut across Dundee. Whilst it’s a free event, we would REALLY appreciate it if businesses could give us a donation to support us as a registered charity committed to equality. Think CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility - and how good you’d feel knowing that your business is making a fab event like this possible. We will happily shout from the rooftops that you have donated - if you are happy for us to do that. It’s also fine if you want to be bashful and don’t want us to mention it though. We also understand that other charities, small groups, and small businesses probably can’t afford to donate and that’s totes fine too - you’re still super welcome to join us!
If you are part of a group of more than 9 people then please use the form below to register your group.
Get ready to sissy that walk!

Register your group for 2024 here…
If you are in a group of 9 or more people, please register your group below: